Previous Letters

Saturday, May 18, 2013


Hey everyone,
I should start by saying how fulfilling it is to be in the Lord´s work.  Like I was saying before, as we try to be obedient to the commandments, our wants and our will starts to become more like the Lord´s will.  Then we recieve more light in our lives.  So in order to get to that point, we need a testimony of obedience which only comes through obedience.  remember that each blessing we receive is due to obedience to a certain commandment.  The way to receive a testimony of that principle then, is to prove it for ourselves.  
This was a hard week but a good one.  We are very very busy, and trying to start up this new area that we are in.  we started from scratch, we had nothing so we called the bishop and made an appointment with him, got a list of members and went and had a meeting with him to see how we could best serve him, the ward, and to see what goals that he had so that we could help him reach them.  He gave us several names of less active members that we could visit, and bring back to church.  We were able to find and teach some of them in the last couple days and even find some new people to teach.  it was cool.  we still have tons of work to do though.  So it will be good.  
Also, President decided to take my companion and me to lunch this week.  It was a great experience to have him and sister carter to ourselves and to be able to just talk.  We talked a lot about what I still have to do in the mission, and what I am going to do after.  We talked about me extending my mission, and after talking about it for a while, President and Sister Carter both recommended that I go home on time as scheduled.  there are several reasons that we discussed, but I am sure that it is what is right.  I´ll explain it to you better later if i can.  
So that means that i´ve got a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it.  so i´ll follow what D&C 6:3 says.  "Behold, the field is white already to harvest;  therefore, whoso desireth to reap, let him thrust in his sickle with his might, and reap while the day lasts, that he may treasure up for his sould everlasting salvation in the kingdom of God."  I think that´s my new motto for my mission and for the resrt of my life.  Reap while the day lasts.  Because it will end, all to soon.  
Love you all, I pray for you always.  

Elder Skousen

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