First off, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I am so thankful for all of you, and this week especially I´m thankful to know that we can be together forever. On Thursday, I was able to attend the temple sealing of the family Ledesma. This is a family that I was able to teach and be taught by. They are really special to me. Fortunately, being in the office has certain privileges that allowed me to be there. When I entered the temple I felt like I had made it back home after a long time. It has been over a year since I´ve been able to enter into a (dedicated) temple. It was refreshing to enter into the Lord´s house and feel the spirit that is there. When I entered into the sealing room, they were waiting in white. The ceremony was amazing, and I´ll never be able to forget what I saw, heard, and felt this day. After Jose and Carolina were sealed, they brought in their 2 little daughters, Sabrina and Milagros, and the 4 of them knelt at the alter and were sealed together for time and all eternity. I have few experiences as powerful and as sacred as that. It was an amazing reminder of why we come here. We leave everything for a short time just to perhaps be the means of helping one person come to know the joy of the gospel and participate in the saving ordinances of the temple. It isn´t just getting baptisms, its saving families! This experience alone is worth working 2 years for. It has helped me realize my purpose more and the significance of my sacred commission to preach the gospel.
I love you all so much and pray for you every day. Don´t lose sight of the goal. Don´t let anything stop you from getting there. Families are Forever!
Elder Josh Skousen
Secretario de Materiales
Misión Buenos Aires Oeste

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