Anyways, I´ve been having a really great week this week. I was able to get a lot of stuff done in the office, and we got to have some really great lessons. We have 2 investigators that are progressing right now, and they are really great. Luis is a good guy that has recently lost everything. His wife just left him, he lost his fortune (I think the two might be related...), and now he´s just trying to get by with solo with his 2 year old son. We have been teaching him, and he has a lot of things to change, but everyone can change. Christ changes us, but only if we let him. So we are working a lot with him. He has to stop smoking to be able to get baptized by the end of this month. I think that´d be a great way for him to start off a new year, with a clean slate. So pray for him please. The other guy we are teaching is named Sandro. He was a reference from the elders of a different area and Sandro just really wants to follow Christ. He really wants to get baptized and receive a remission of his sins. We put a baptismal date with him in the first lesson and he has been talking about it ever since. He is really great, and loves everything we teach him and just soaks it up.
I love helping people understand that their own conversion is up to them, that if they just do the things that we invite them to do (pray, read, go to church) they WILL win a testimony of the book of mormon, of Jesus Christ, Joseph Smith, and the church all in one. Its so simple. I think that Godreally wants all his children to know this. So he makes us that promise, that everyone with sincere desires can know. We all need to try this promise regularly, we always need to strengthen our testimonies.
anyways, I hope you all had a great thanksgiving and stuff. I´m sorry i´m not very good at writing anymore, but if you guys make questions, it is a lot easier haha. So if you have any questions or anything let me know :)
I love you!
Elder Josh Skousen
Secretario de Materiales
Misión Buenos Aires Oeste

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